Saturday, 12 December 2015


This sweet little painting was just a bit of fun.  It's a combination of brush and palette knife work and I was pleased with how it turned out.  Paint on!

8" X 8"
Oil on Canvas Board

Monday, 9 November 2015

Mrs. Hawthorne

Mrs. Hawthorne is a painting that makes me smile.  We live in the beautiful West Country in southern England  and have the Dartmoor National Park just a few minutes away.  A few weeks ago we spent the afternoon on the Moor and were treated to beautiful views and many animal sightings.  The Dartmoor ponies roam the Moor along with cattle sheep and many kinds of birds.  Mrs. Hawthorne  is my interpretation of a Dartmoor Grey Face which is just one of the breeds living on Dartmoor.

                                                      16" X 22"
                                                 Oil on Canvas

Saturday, 26 September 2015


I know this seems like an unlikely composition but it came about from a painting challenge given to us in our Friday morning painting group.  The challenge was to create a composition from items that have a significance in our lives or represent us an an individual.  I decided to put together some things from around the house for my composition.  The cap belongs to my husband and is affectionately known as his 'lid".  He is my heart and his love and support are a constant in my life.  I also love painting hence the paint brush and somewhat mangled tube of yellow paint.  There's nothing much better than a nice cuppa so I've included a lovely shiny tea ball which is something I've used before in my paintings.  In keeping with my love of painting shiny things, I've added my wedding band which is more than just a shiny object, it represents the never ending love I have for all my family and friends.  Last but definitely not least is the Maple Leaf which represents my amazingly beautiful homeland, Canada.  
Paint on!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Two Step

I'm not sure if these dapper ducks are making a break for it or just doing a little dance.  The painting was done using a palette knife as well as brushes and brings back childhood memories of our friend's farm in Alberta.

16"  x 16"
Oil on Canvas

Saturday, 29 August 2015


Rusty has been a work in progress for several months.  I used a combination of palette knives and brushes for this painting and plan to frame him in a rustic style frame to go along th the farmyard idea. 

18" x 24"
Oil on Canvas Board

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Glass Jars

Glass is always interesting to paint and I especially like adding those lovely dabs of reflections.  I found a really good place to buy older glass bottles with many of them having a slight hint of green or blue in them.........hmmmmmm, I feel another shopping trip coming on.  Happy painting!

12" x 12"
Oil on Deep Canvas

Sitting by the Dock

I haven't been sailing for many years but it was something I definitely enjoyed as a child.  Our neighbours were a young couple with an avid interest in sailing and often took me with them on race days.  It was great fun and the trip to DQ for a delicious ice cream treat afterwards wasn't bad either.  Happy painting!

12" x 16"
Oil on Canvas

Monday, 10 August 2015

Little Boat in the Bay

Today started out very wet and dreary but as the day has gone on, it has become much brighter and more like summer.  On my way home from shopping, I passed by a marina and noticed a little row boat sitting in the bay.  The boat I saw was blue and white but I fancied painting my inspiration in a bright orange which seems to be the popular colour here this summer.

11" x 14"
Oil on Canvas Board

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Fresh Cut

Fresh cut is a palette knife painting inspired by the beautiful colours of summer.  The flowers are particularly vibrant this year and we find ourselves enjoying a spell of really lovely weather here on the south coast!  I'm going to try and make more time for painting in July and look forward to posting more paintings in the near future.  Paint on!

12" x 12"
Oil on Canvas Board

Monday, 15 June 2015

Caught in the Rain

If you've ever been caught in the rain you'll know much a big umbrella makes it all better.  This painting was done using a palette knife and has loads of juicy paint on it.  I loved doing the reflections and the looseness of this painting...great fun!

18"  x 22"
Oil on Canvas Board

Who's There?

More fun with the palette knife!  I really enjoy the effect achieved using a palette knife and love how the colours stay so vibrant.

12" x12"
Oil on Canvas Board

Three Little Pigs

There's something so cute about little pigs.  These little guys look like they've been enjoying a tumble in the mud and are now looking for a way out of their pen.
12" x 16"
Oil on Canvas Board

Monday, 12 January 2015

Hello there

Another palette knife creation!   This painting was really fun to do but I did run into some challenges with the Prussian blue background as it's hard to keep it contained.  Hoping to do a few more quackers in the near future.

12" x 24"
Oil on Canvas Board

Thursday, 8 January 2015

What big eyes you have

This is exactly what my eyes felt like today after a visit to the Opthalmologist!  Fortunately it's not permanent.  :)

6" x 6"
Oil on Canvas Board