Thursday, 30 January 2014

Painting 30-Sweeties

Whew, I can hardly believe the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge is over.  I guess now my friend Diana and I can stop rooting around at the market for the best looking fruit and veggies we can find.  It has nothing to do with how they might taste, it's more to do with how they look!
For my last painting, I'll leave you with a couple of treats from the sweetie dish.  Cheers and Happy Painting!

Painting 29- Melon

I'm having some computer difficulties but hopefully I will get my last 2 paintings posted without too much grief.  This painting should really be called the disappearing melon because I ate it before finishing it...just typical!  That meant I had to improvise because I also didn't take a picture of it before it magically disappeared.  :o)  Happy painting!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Painting 28-Old Friend

Sometimes old articles of clothing can become old friends....that's how I feel about my old sun hat. Over the years it's become so floppy that I have to pin it back or it completely covers my eyes...kind of looks like a tent over my head!  Some might say that's not a bad thing.  :o)  Happy painting!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Painting 27-Spring is coming

It was so nice to see these little bulbs at the shop today.  It reminded me that Spring is on the way and hopefully the rain will stop long enough for me to plant them outside!  There definitely shouldn't be a watering ban this summer, at least not in this part of the world.  Happy painting!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Painting 26-Nice and ripe


These tomatoes are lovely and sweet and I'm planning to add them to my spaghetti sauce later today.  It's hard to believe that we are on day 26 of this challenge....I feel that I have learned to relax a lot more with my paintings which is exactly what I was hoping would happen.  Happy painting!

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Painting 25-Bad Hair Day

Meet Ducky!  Pretty much every day is a bad hair day for poor old Ducky but he's still loved. He's one of those things that you just can't part with; a chubby little chap that brings back memories and makes you smile. He's actually a lot more tatty looking in real life but thought I'd spruce him up in this it a painting makeover.  :o)   Happy painting!

Friday, 24 January 2014

Painting 24-Aubergine

I really don't know what to do with this now that I've painted it.  I've often looked at them in the shop but never bought one with the intention of eating it.  I guess I'll have to go online and look for a recipe to try....more R&D for the dinner table.  :o)  Happy Painting!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Painting 23-Cuppa

Who would have thought that painting a cuppa would be so much work!  This is the first time I've ever painted a colored liquid so it was a very interesting exercise in studying the colors and shapes of the tea in the mug.  I really enjoyed painting this piece and will definitely do something similar again...what fun!  Happy painting!

Painting 22-Balancing Act

These little plums looked so inviting in the shop that I just had to buy them.  They are African Rose plums and definitely look better than they taste.  They are a very sour variety of plum and I imagine are used mainly in cooking recipes.  It was a bit of a challenge to get them stacked up in a way that they would stay there but with a little perseverance, all things are possible.  Happy painting!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Painting 20-Pile of Peppers

Well here are the rest of the peppers!  Hot peppers are not something I normally buy but they are interesting to paint.  I tried giving them away to one of the workmen that was here today but he was quite emphatic that he didn't want them.  My husbands Dad used to eat them like candy....I tried them one once and ended up with blisters in my mouth and on my lips so I'm afraid they're off to the bin! Happy painting!

Painting 19-Hot and Sweet

It has been a crazy busy few days but I tried to set as much time aside as I could for painting.  I put this chili pepper together with a plump pear just for interest.  I'm not sure I've ever heard of these two things together in a recipe but who knows, it could be an interesting combination!   Happy painting!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Painting 18-Some salad fixins

Both of these tasty morsels are on the menu for tomorrow so thought I'd have a go at painting them before they end up in the salad bowl.  All through this challenge I have been trying to get myself to put more paint on the canvas (keep telling myself it's only paint) and am happy to say that I managed it with the tangerine in this painting.  Happy painting.

Painting 17-Old jug and limes

It's been a little hectic around here over the past 2 days but I'm managing to keep up with the painting challenge.  This one is of an old clunky jug I have tucked away in the back of the cupboard and added the limes for a bit of color.  If it looks a little fuzzy, it most likely isn't your eyes or the painting, I'm pretty sure it's the photographer.  :o)  Happy painting.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Painting 16-Where's the cream?

One of the things I love doing is poking around in charity shops looking for interesting objects to paint (and the odd rare antique would be good too although that's never happened yet).  :o)   I found this little sugar pot the other day and thought it would be an interesting challenge for me as it's basically only two different colors (blue and white).  I don't think this little pot has much age to it but I like the color, the shape and will probably use it as a little trinket box.  Happy painting!

Painting 15-Hot Lemon

When I was a child and came down with a cold and sore throat, my mother used to make a hot lemon drink to make me feel better.  It wasn't the lemon I liked so much but rather the honey she put in it!  I loved the way the reflection of the lemon was stretched out because of the shape of the pot.  Happy painting!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Painting 14-Good for You

Today I challenged myself to concentrate on getting lots of paint on the canvas and not to fiddle around with the paint too much.  I managed to get loads of paint down but still found myself going over and over some areas.  I found the subject difficult to paint but hopefully you recognize what it is.  Happy Painting!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Painting 13-Beep Beep

This is hilarious.  This painting was inspired by a little car we bought for our grandson to play with when he comes to visit us in March.  Unfortunately I still have much to learn about perspective as is evident here.  There's still something charming in all its wonkiness though.....kind of makes me smile!  Happy painting!

Painting 12-Red Pepper

We were out shopping yesterday and came across these beautiful red peppers with huge stems.  I thought , hmmm, I know what I can do with that!  Today's painting is tomorrow's salad.  Happy painting.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Painting 11 - A Little Ripe

This is one of those things that was pushed to the back of the fridge.....don't you hate when that happens.  There weren't any serious fuzzies growing on it but it almost hit the bin before I decided to give it new life. Happy painting!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Painting 10 - Three Little Figs

Knowing that today would be a bit hectic, I started early with the hopes of completing 2 paintings. That isn't going to happen I'm afraid but I am pleased with the way the 3 little figs came together.  I'm slowing creeping up and hope to soon be caught up to everyone soon.  Happy painting!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Painting 9 - Late Bloomer

Every Friday morning I paint with a lovely group of people in a small village in Cornwall.  We meet in a church hall and to my delight, someone left this sweet little Christmas Cactus plant in a pink pot on the window ledge.  I found several other interesting objects to paint in the kitchen at the hall so am looking forward to next Friday for something new to try my hand at.  Happy painting!

Painting 8 - Sweet Pepper

I love these sweet peppers and buy them often.  I'm pleased with the way this little painting turned out but unfortunately the pepper is destined for the dinner plate tonight.  Never mind, there are plenty more at the shop if the urge to paint one (or more) strikes.  Happy Painting!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Painting 7 - From the Vine

These three little tomatoes looked so juicy and delicious.  I must say, they were a lovely addition to my salad and I enjoyed watching them appear on the canvas.  It's always fun looking for new subjects to paint and on my trip to the supermarket today I found a few more tasty morsels to try my hand at.
Happy Painting!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Painting 6 - Pink Lady

Well, here it is, almost midnight again.  I'm still struggling with my camera settings but did have fun painting this Pink Lady.  I will touch up the shadow before I'm completely happy with it but sleep beckons for now.  Happy painting!


Painting 5 - Hanging Around

These rose hips were painted from a picture I took when out walking on the grounds of Saltram House. One day I'm going to get brave and paint the whole picture but for now, I am practicing on just a few at a time.  :o)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Painting 4 - Lemon Twist

After scouring the supermarket for the perfect lemon, I came across this quirky little fellow!  I'm still getting to grips with the lighting on my camera but after abandoning 2 paintings because I couldn't get a descent picture of them, I think I'm getting there.  We'll see what tomorrow brings....maybe I will even catch up to everyone.  Happy painting!


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Painting 3 - Tea Time

I was about to make myself a cup of tea and thought the tea ball and jar of tea leaves would be fun to paint.  It's painted in oil on an 8x10 canvas board.  Happy painting!


Saturday, 4 January 2014

Painting 2 - Orange and Pear

I'm still raiding the refrigerator and decided to put this orange and pear together.  I hope you're all enjoying your painting....I'm hoping to be caught up to everyone tomorrow.  Have a lovely painting day!


Painting 1 - Onions


Since I have a lot of catching up to do, I chose to raid the refrigerator and keep the subject matter simple.  I love still life paintings which will most likely become evident as the challenge goes on.  I will however, try to mix it up a little as well.
Happy Painting,

Friday, 3 January 2014

A little bit behind


I'm really looking forward to the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, even if I am off to a slow start!  It seems like a fun way to kick of the New Year but I had better get going as I'm already 3 paintings behind.  Thank you to my good friend Diana who told me about this challenge and has always inspired me and encouraged me to "paint on".
